The Āyurvedic Kitchen
Wisdom from the Indian Kitchen
Courses on offer
6 Sessions Beginners Course
Single Session
Course Information
Method (demonstration/individual work). All material provided.
Learning Objectives/Intended Outcomes
Lesson 1
Working with vegetables
Introduction to basic Ayurveda and its relevance to Indian food and cooking
Introduction to the five basic tastes in Indian cooking
Different techniques of vegetable cooking
Introduction to different types of vegetables and their properties
Introduction to basic spices and their properties
Introduction to cooking mediums of various oils and their properties
Lesson 2
Working with legumes
Introduction to the legume family
Cooking technique of “TARKA” explored
Introduction to use of garlic and ginger and their properties
Lesson 3
Working with rice and other grains
Introduction to various groups of grains and their properties
Basic rice making techniques
Introduction to GHEE and its properties along with other forms of fats.
Lesson 4
Cooking a basic curry either non vegetarian or vegetarian
Cooking with meat products and their properties
Introduction to new spices
Techniques to assembling and cooking curry
Lesson 5
Cooking Indian Sweets
Introduction to various groups of sugars and their properties
Basic Indian Fudge making techniques
Techniques to assembling and cooking Indian Sweets
Introduction to specific spices used for Sweets and reason
Lesson 6
Bread making
Introduction to various groups of breads and their properties
Difference in unleavened and leavened breads
Techniques to assembling and making unleavened breads
Introduction to serving a complete Indian meal.
Cost and Venue
6 lesson course £480 - 2 hours each session
Single lesson £80 - 2 hours
Courses within the Greater London only. Venue to be provided by the purchaser.